Summer Festival retro

Summer Festival retro

You know, Yukatas look so glamorous and beautiful, right?But in reality, they’re just simple garments made from a single piece of fabric stitched together. Even in the old days when dye options were limited, they would still wear those yukatas and spend their summers in them.Every time I see those Oriental, exotic photos, I can’t …

Summer Festival 2

Summer Festival 2

You know, I’ve heard that too.“They say there’s no girl going to a Japanese summer festival alone, at least not typically. It’s more of a thing to enjoy with a partner or friends, you know? When I heard that, it kind of gave me some relief. Summer festivals are all about community and togetherness, not …

Summer Festival

Summer Festival

When it comes to summer, you know what I think about?The scorching heat in Japan.. It’s, like, seriously hot, you know?I can’t really explain why exactly, I’m not an expert on that stuff. But one thing’s for sure, it’s quite different from summers in Copenhagen or Berlin. But hey, that sweltering heat plays a significant …