
My Vision

Every time I keep asking the AI for a girl with white hair, I wonder to myself, “Why am I requesting that from AI?” And every time I have that thought, the answer always comes up in my mind: “Because I want to see it.”

So, this girl with white hair and fair skin is unrealistic, but I desire it. If someone were to say that I see these girls in a sexual way, I would stay silent, but in a way, I might also be a supporter. Or perhaps I feel a sense of disgust towards copying existing characters just to gain popularity. No, I don’t understand anything; I don’t understand my own thoughts.

Well, that’s fine. I’ll continue letting the AI generate illustrations according to my heart’s desire. The wearing out of my graphics card is not a valid reason to give up on my interests. The day I stop creating girls with white hair is the day I lose interest in them. But rest assured, I have loved them for many years.


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